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I have been a lifetime, multisport athlete and focused in on playing baseball during college. After a career ending shoulder injury, I moved back home to Colorado and had surgery while finishing out my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Throughout my time working in my career field, I was always still on top of regular training and nutrition. I had a passion for it and eventually ended up getting drawn into bodybuilding by a friend of mine. This is when I realized where my true life fulfillment came from and started coaching people while working on several certifications and continuous education work. I coach all ranges of clients including lifestyle, weight loss, powerlifting, and I specialize in coaching bodybuilders. I have known Zack and Sampson since the beginning of Pursuit and the timing wasn't right for me to make the transition. With being a husband and a father of 3 kids, their wellbeing always comes first. I am very excited to now be fulltime within the Pursuit family and offer my specialized skills as well as offer my services utilizing the NXPro Machine across a vast array of options related to hypertrophy training, rehab/injury prevention, Neuromuscular, Central Nervous System.
My personal mission for my clients is always to build a strong long lasting relationship where I can provide you with the tools and knowledge that you can use in achieving your current and future life goals.