Meet Coach

Hannah Kaufman


I am a born and raised Colorado native and have lived in Fort Collins my whole life. As a young child I never expressed much interest in athletics, but after the first time I stepped foot on a volleyball court I was immediately enamored with the culture and the competition. My entire athletic career I struggled with my size as many of my teammates were light as a feather and could leap into the air with ease.

Pursuit Headshots & Lifestyle

For me this sport would prove to be much more of a grind off the court. My competitive mindset and passion drove me towards strength and performance based training. After a long and frustrating road of working with the wrong trainers who attempted to force my body into a generalized box I finally found Joe Mckay, our head of Sports Performance Training. Joe was able to shape my fitness journey to fit my needs to perform and excel in my sport. 

Overtime volleyball began to take a major toll on my body and I accrued many overuse injuries. I realized this constant state of injury was unhealthy and unsustainable. Therefore, after my freshman season of collegiate volleyball I made the very difficult decision to medically retire from the sport. Pursuit became my home away from home and this amazing staff is truly the only reason I was able to recover from the loss of my sport. I fell in love with lifting and working to better myself and am now exploring other forms of programming such as powerlifting, bodybuilding, and multi-sport training, to accumulate as much knowledge as I can from this incredible staff.

Having trained with Joe in our sports performance classes for my entire high school career I became intrigued by the idea of becoming a coach to help other athletes achieve their goals. After a rich shadowing period I am so excited to join this staff and begin assisting athletes improve their game and reach their goals. 

I started my academic career at Occidental College in Los Angeles California and after my first semester received a 4.0gpa and made the Dean’s list. After the difficult decision to retire from my sport I also decided to move my academic practice back to Colorado. I am currently enrolled at Colorado State University as an Exercise Science major with a double minor in Nutrition and Psychology. I strive for high achievement in the classroom because, as all my coaches have always told me, there's a reason “student” comes before “athlete” when you are a student athlete. My overall goal is to help shape our athletes into the best players, teammates, and people they can be and achieve their prime performance. If you or anyone you know is an athlete or has a son/daughter who is an athlete looking to reach the next level of peak performance in sport and overall life please reach out! I am excited to meet you and help you achieve your goals and aspirations.


Hannah Kaufman

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