Building a Nutrition Plan Without Counting Calories or Macros

The purpose of this article is not to dissuade anyone from counting calories/macros or undermining their importance. The purpose of this article is to highlight principles, provide a healthy framework, and teach people how to have autonomy with their nutrition.  We know that tracking calories and macronutrients is a great avenue to reach a desired…

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A Sustainable Food Tracking System 

LEVEL 1: CALORIES  LEVEL 2: CALORIES + PROTEIN LEVEL 3: MACROS Hyperfocusing on perfection is a recipe for failure. Perfection is not realistic, sustainable, or necessary to achieve results. Whether you’re stuck at the airport, having a busy day at work, or taxiing your kids around, there will be days where adhering to a rigid…

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Neurological Strength Adaptations

By: Matt Cooper MS, USAW National Coach at Pursuit Nutrition & Training Center “He/she doesn’t look that strong”. This is a common sentiment I hear from those outside the weightlifting/competitive strength world. This has not only been said about athletes I coach, but about myself as well. The general public typically associates physical strength with…

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What is your secret crutch? Your go-to comfort food? That one thing that you absolutely crave; midnight ice cream, street tacos for breakfast, or an entire pizza because your stressed? Tempt me with a jar of peanut butter and a tub of moose tracks ice cream and it is game over. I’m a goner. That…

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Rethinking “Speed” in the Olympic Lifts

It is a well known fact the the Olympic lifts, when executed correctly, are some of the quickest movements in all of sports. Speed in the extension and transition under the bar are very necessary attributes for a successful lift. While we can all agree that speed is an essential element of the snatch and…

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Testosterone and Obesity

Clinical research suggests that men with Metabolic Syndrome suffer from lower testosterone levels. Although the main role of stored fat is energy and insulation, fat tissues also produce hormones such as leptin, estrogen, resisten and the cytokine TNFα. There is an inverse relationship between estrogen and testosterone.  Chronically elevated estrogen levels, lead to suppressed testosterone…

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How We Get Stronger: the science and principles of training

Stronger is better. Period. Regardless of your fitness goals, becoming stronger will always help performance. Whether you want to increase performance in a field sport, weightlifting, powerlifting, or you just want to be able to move better as you age, increasing your ability to efficiently generate and apply force (strength) will help you reach those…

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MF-er!: The Benefits of Myofascial Release and Dynamic Warm Ups

Hey MF-er, are you mobilizing and foam rolling? Mobility and myofascial release are two things commonly left out of everyone’s exercise routine. We are more concerned about the workout itself and less worried about the prep and recovery. Overlooking this process can take a toll on our bodies as well as our workouts. Preparation and…

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Youth Sports Performance – Why is it Important?

Why is Youth Sports Performance so important? What are the benefits to the child?  These are the two million dollar questions that I get asked daily.   When a child gets to feel successful at a young age, they will begin to build confidence. Not only do I get to see this newfound confidence as a…

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9 Factors Involved in Obesity

Energy Overconsumption Contributors & Causes: Humans derive energy from the food that they consume. Food is required to grow, recover, fuel organs, provide energy for bodily functions, gain weight and maintain weight; therefore it is essential to life.   However, humans do not always eat for survival. Often humans are driven to eat based by the…

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Olympic Lifts from the High Hang/Power Position

One of my all time favorite variations of the Olympic lifts is to perform the lift by starting from the high hang or power position (Figure 1). The power position is your “launch point” during your pull. This is where the transition from first pull to the explosive second pull ends. When an athlete is…

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“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” -Michael Phelps I could talk to you all about science, anatomy, sports performance, or nutrition stuff and I most likely will. But, today, that is not what I wanted to talk to you about.…

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